

Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors versus angiotensin receptor blockers for primary hypertension

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Aug 22;2014(8):CD009096.
doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009096.pub2.








高血圧管理のためのHOME BPデジタル介入は、通常のケアよりも1年後の収縮期血圧のコントロールが良く費用対効果が良い

Background: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are widely prescribed for primary hypertension (systolic blood pressure > 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg). However, while ACE inhibitors have been shown to reduce mortality and morbidity in placebo-controlled trials, ARBs have not. Therefore, a comparison of the efficacies of these two drug classes in primary hypertension for preventing total mortality and cardiovascular events is important.

Objectives: To compare the effects of ACE inhibitors and ARBs on total mortality and cardiovascular events, and their rates of withdrawals due to adverse effects (WDAEs), in people with primary hypertension.

Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Hypertension Group Specialized Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, and the ISI Web of Science up to July 2014. We contacted study authors for missing and unpublished information, and also searched the reference lists of relevant reviews for eligible studies.

Selection criteria: We included randomized controlled trials enrolling people with uncontrolled or controlled primary hypertension with or without other risk factors. Included trials must have compared an ACE inhibitor and an ARB in a head-to-head manner, and lasted for a duration of at least one year. If background blood pressure lowering agents were continued or added during the study, the protocol to do so must have been the same in both study arms.

Data collection and analysis: We used standard methodological procedures expected by The Cochrane Collaboration.

Main results: Nine studies with 11,007 participants were included. Of the included studies, five reported data on total mortality, three reported data on total cardiovascular events, and four reported data on cardiovascular mortality. No study separately reported cardiovascular morbidity. In contrast, eight studies contributed data on WDAE. Included studies were of good to moderate quality. There was no evidence of a difference between ACE inhibitors and ARBs for total mortality (risk ratio (RR) 0.98; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.88 to 1.10), total cardiovascular events (RR 1.07; 95% CI 0.96 to 1.19), or cardiovascular mortality (RR 0.98; 95% CI 0.85 to 1.13). Conversely, a high level of evidence indicated a slightly lower incidence of WDAE for ARBs as compared with ACE inhibitors (RR 0.83; 95% CI 0.74 to 0.93; absolute risk reduction (ARR) 1.8%, number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome (NNTB) 55 over 4.1 years), mainly attributable to a higher incidence of dry cough with ACE inhibitors. The quality of the evidence for mortality and cardiovascular outcomes was limited by possible publication bias, in that several studies were initially eligible for inclusion in this review, but had no extractable data available for the hypertension subgroup. To this end, the evidence for total mortality was judged to be moderate, while the evidence for total cardiovascular events was judged to be low by the GRADE approach.

Authors’ conclusions: Our analyses found no evidence of a difference in total mortality or cardiovascular outcomes for ARBs as compared with ACE inhibitors, while ARBs caused slightly fewer WDAEs than ACE inhibitors. Although ACE inhibitors have shown efficacy in these outcomes over placebo, our results cannot be used to extrapolate the same conclusion for ARBs directly, which have not been studied in placebo-controlled trials for hypertension. Thus, the substitution of an ARB for an ACE inhibitor, while supported by evidence on grounds of tolerability, must be made in consideration of the weaker evidence for the efficacy of ARBs regarding mortality and morbidity outcomes compared with ACE inhibitors. Additionally, our data mostly derives from participants with existing clinical sequelae of hypertension, and it would be useful to have data from asymptomatic people to increase the generalizability of this review. Unpublished subgroup data of hypertensive participants in existing trials comparing ACE inhibitors and ARBs needs to be made available for this purpose.



研究方法:Cochrane Hypertension Group Specialized Register、Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials(CENTRAL)、MEDLINE、EMBASE、世界保健機関(WHO)International Clinical Trials Registry Platform、ISI Web of Scienceで2014年7月までの範囲で検索を行った。欠落情報や未発表情報については研究著者に連絡を取り、関連するレビューのリファレンスリストから適格な研究を検索した。



主な結果:9つの研究の11,007人が参加した。そのうち総死亡率に関するデータを報告したのは5件、総心血管イベントに関するデータを報告したのは3件、心血管死亡率に関するデータを報告したのは4件であった。心血管系の罹患率を個別に報告した研究はなかった。対照的に、8件の研究がWDAEに関するデータを報告していた。含まれた研究の質は良好から中等度であった。総死亡率(リスク比(RR)0.98;95%信頼区間(CI)0.88~1.10)、総心血管イベント(RR 1.07;95%CI 0.96~1.19)、心血管死亡率(RR 0.98;95%CI 0.85~1.13)について、ACE阻害薬とARBの間に差があるという証拠は認めなかった。一方、ACE阻害薬と比較してARBのWDAEの発生率がわずかに低いことを示し(RR 0.83;95%CI 0.74~0.93;絶対リスク低減(ARR)1.8%、4.1年間の付加的有益な転帰のために必要な治療数(NNTB)55)、主にACE阻害薬の乾性咳嗽の発生率が高いことに起因した。いくつかの研究が当初本レビューの抽出資格を有していたが、高血圧サブグループについては抽出可能なデータがなかったため、出版バイアスの可能性がある。以上よりGRADE法においては、総死亡率に関するエビデンスは中程度、総心血管イベントに関するエビデンスは低と判断した。

