

Comparison of the characteristics, morbidity, and mortality of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza: a nationwide, population-based retrospective cohort study

Lancet Respir Med. 2020 Dec 17;S2213-2600(20)30527-0.

doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(20)30527-0.





Background: To date, influenza epidemics have been considered suitable for use as a model for the COVID-19 epidemic, given that they are respiratory diseases with similar modes of transmission. However, data directly comparing the two diseases are scarce.

Methods: We did a nationwide retrospective cohort study using the French national administrative database (PMSI), which includes discharge summaries for all hospital admissions in France. All patients hospitalised for COVID-19 from March 1 to April 30, 2020, and all patients hospitalised for influenza between Dec 1, 2018, and Feb 28, 2019, were included. The diagnosis of COVID-19 (International Classification of Diseases [10th edition] codes U07.10, U07.11, U07.12, U07.14, or U07.15) or influenza (J09, J10, or J11) comprised primary, related, or associated diagnosis. Comparisons of risk factors, clinical characteristics, and outcomes between patients hospitalised for COVID-19 and influenza were done, with data also stratified by age group.

Findings: 89 530 patients with COVID-19 and 45 819 patients with influenza were hospitalised in France during the respective study periods. The median age of patients was 68 years (IQR 52–82) for COVID-19 and 71 years (34–84) for influenza. Patients with COVID-19 were more frequently obese or overweight, and more frequently had diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia than patients with influenza, whereas those with influenza more frequently had heart failure, chronic respiratory disease, cirrhosis, and deficiency anaemia. Patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 more frequently developed acute respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, septic shock, or haemorrhagic stroke than patients with influenza, but less frequently developed myocardial infarction or atrial fibrillation. In-hospital mortality was higher in patients with COVID-19 than in patients with influenza (15 104 [16·9%] of 89 530 vs 2640 [5·8%] of 45 819), with a relative risk of death of 2·9 (95% CI 2·8–3·0) and an age-standardised mortality ratio of 2·82. Of the patients hospitalised, the proportion of paediatric patients (<18 years) was smaller for COVID-19 than for influenza (1227 [1·4%] vs 8942 [19·5%]), but a larger proportion of patients younger than 5 years needed intensive care support for COVID-19 than for influenza (14 [2·3%] of 613 vs 65 [0·9%] of 6973). In adolescents (11–17 years), the in-hospital mortality was ten-times higher for COVID-19 than for influenza (five [1·1% of 458 vs one [0·1%] of 804), and patients with COVID-19 were more frequently obese or overweight.

Interpretation: The presentation of patients with COVID-19 and seasonal influenza requiring hospitalisation differs considerably. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is likely to have a higher potential for respiratory pathogenicity, leading to more respiratory complications and to higher mortality. In children, although the rate of hospitalisation for COVID-19 appears to be lower than for influenza, in-hospital mortality is higher; however, low patient numbers limit this finding. These findings highlight the importance of appropriate preventive measures for COVID-19, as well as the need for a specific vaccine and treatment.

Funding: French National Research Agency.


方法:フランスのすべての入院の退院要約を含むフランス国家行政データベース(PMSI)を使用して、全国的な後ろ向きコホート研究を行った。 2020年3月1日から4月30日までにCOVID-19で入院したすべての患者、および2018年12月1日から2019年2月28日までの間にインフルエンザで入院したすべての患者が含まれた。 COVID-19とインフルエンザで入院した患者間の危険因子、臨床的特徴、および転帰の比較が行われ、データも年齢層ごとに層別化された。

調査結果:COVID-19では89530人、インフルエンザでは45819人がそれぞれの研究期間中にフランスで入院した。患者の年齢の中央値は、COVID-19では68歳(IQR 52–82)、インフルエンザでは71歳(34–84)だった。 COVID-19の患者は、インフルエンザの患者よりも肥満または太りすぎであり、糖尿病、高血圧、脂質異常症の頻度が高かったのに対し、インフルエンザの患者は、心不全、慢性呼吸器疾患、肝硬変、および鉄欠乏性貧血の頻度が高かった。 COVID-19で入院した患者は、インフルエンザで入院した患者よりも急性呼吸不全、肺塞栓症、敗血症性ショック、または出血性脳卒中を発症する頻度が高かったが、心筋梗塞や心房細動を発症する頻度は低かった。院内死亡率は、COVID-19の患者の方がインフルエンザの患者よりも高く(15 104 [16・9%] of 89 530 vs 2640 [5・8%] of 45 819)、相対死亡リスクは2・9(95%CI 2・8–3・0)および年齢標準化死亡比は2・82だった。入院した患者のうち、小児患者(<18歳)の割合はインフルエンザよりもCOVID-19の方が少なかった(1227 [1・4%]対8942 [19・5%])が、それより若い患者(<5歳)はインフルエンザ群よりもCOVID-19群の集中治療サポートが必要だった(613の14 [2・3%]対6973の65 [0・9%])。青年期(11〜17歳)では、COVID-19群の院内死亡率はインフルエンザよりも10倍高く(458の5 [1・1%vs 804の1 [0・1%])、 COVID-19群の患者は肥満の割合が高かった。


