

Safety and Immunogenicity of Two RNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccine Candidates

N Engl J Med. 2020 Dec 17;383(25):2439-2450. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2027906. Epub 2020 Oct 14.

Safety and Immunogenicity of Two RNA-Based Covid-19 Vaccine Candidates - PubMed
The safety and immunogenicity data from this U.S. phase 1 trial of two vaccine candidates in younger and older adults, added to earlier interim safety and immun...



5 × 10¹⁰ ウイルス粒子数COVID-19ワクチンは安全であり、1回の予防接種で有意な免疫反応を誘発した

Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections and the resulting disease, coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), have spread to millions of persons worldwide. Multiple vaccine candidates are under development, but no vaccine is currently available. Interim safety and immunogenicity data about the vaccine candidate BNT162b1 in younger adults have been reported previously from trials in Germany and the United States.

Methods: In an ongoing, placebo-controlled, observer-blinded, dose-escalation, phase 1 trial conducted in the United States, we randomly assigned healthy adults 18 to 55 years of age and those 65 to 85 years of age to receive either placebo or one of two lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA vaccine candidates: BNT162b1, which encodes a secreted trimerized SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain; or BNT162b2, which encodes a membrane-anchored SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike, stabilized in the prefusion conformation. The primary outcome was safety (e.g., local and systemic reactions and adverse events); immunogenicity was a secondary outcome. Trial groups were defined according to vaccine candidate, age of the participants, and vaccine dose level (10 μg, 20 μg, 30 μg, and 100 μg). In all groups but one, participants received two doses, with a 21-day interval between doses; in one group (100 μg of BNT162b1), participants received one dose.

Results: A total of 195 participants underwent randomization. In each of 13 groups of 15 participants, 12 participants received vaccine and 3 received placebo. BNT162b2 was associated with a lower incidence and severity of systemic reactions than BNT162b1, particularly in older adults. In both younger and older adults, the two vaccine candidates elicited similar dose-dependent SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing geometric mean titers, which were similar to or higher than the geometric mean titer of a panel of SARS-CoV-2 convalescent serum samples.

Conclusions: The safety and immunogenicity data from this U.S. phase 1 trial of two vaccine candidates in younger and older adults, added to earlier interim safety and immunogenicity data regarding BNT162b1 in younger adults from trials in Germany and the United States, support the selection of BNT162b2 for advancement to a pivotal phase 2-3 safety and efficacy evaluation. (Funded by BioNTech and Pfizer; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04368728.).


方法:米国で実施されている進行中のプラセボ対照、観察者盲検、用量漸増、第1相試験では、18〜55歳の健康な成人と65〜85歳の健康な成人をランダムに割り当て、プラセボまたはBNT162b1のいずれかを投与した(BNT162b1の説明は省略)。primary outcomeは安全性とした(ex:局所および全身反応および有害事象)。secondary outcomeを免疫原性とした。試験グループは、ワクチン候補、参加者の年齢、およびワクチンの用量(10μg、20μg、30μg、および100μg)で分類した。  100μgのBNT162b1接種群は1回の投与のみとし、それ以外のグループでは投与間隔21日で2回投与した。

結果:合計195人の参加者がランダム化を受けた。 15人の参加者からなる13のグループのそれぞれで、12人の参加者がワクチンを、3人がプラセボを接種した。 BNT162b2は、特に高齢者で、BNT162b1よりも全身反応の発生率と重症度が低かった。若年成人と高齢者の両方で、2つのワクチンは同様の用量依存性SARS-CoV-2中和幾何平均力価を誘発し、SARS-CoV-2回復血清サンプルのパネルの幾何平均力価と同等かそれ以上だった 。


