

Risk of myocardial infarction and stroke after acute infection or vaccination

N Engl J Med. 2004 Dec 16;351(25):2611-8. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa041747.





Background: There is evidence that chronic inflammation may promote atherosclerotic disease. We tested the hypothesis that acute infection and vaccination increase the short-term risk of vascular events.

Methods: We undertook within-person comparisons, using the case-series method, to study the risks of myocardial infarction and stroke after common vaccinations and naturally occurring infections. The study was based on the United Kingdom General Practice Research Database, which contains computerized medical records of more than 5 million patients.

Results: A total of 20,486 persons with a first myocardial infarction and 19,063 persons with a first stroke who received influenza vaccine were included in the analysis. There was no increase in the risk of myocardial infarction or stroke in the period after influenza, tetanus, or pneumococcal vaccination. However, the risks of both events were substantially higher after a diagnosis of systemic respiratory tract infection and were highest during the first three days (incidence ratio for myocardial infarction, 4.95; 95 percent confidence interval, 4.43 to 5.53; incidence ratio for stroke, 3.19; 95 percent confidence interval, 2.81 to 3.62). The risks then gradually fell during the following weeks. The risks were raised significantly but to a lesser degree after a diagnosis of urinary tract infection. The findings for recurrent myocardial infarctions and stroke were similar to those for first events.

Conclusions: Our findings provide support for the concept that acute infections are associated with a transient increase in the risk of vascular events. By contrast, influenza, tetanus, and pneumococcal vaccinations do not produce a detectable increase in the risk of vascular events.


方法:一般的なワクチン接種後および自然発生的な感染後の心筋梗塞と脳卒中のリスクを検討するために、ケース・シリーズ法を用いて個人内比較を実施した。研究は、500 万例以上の患者の電子化された医療記録を含む、英国一般診療研究データベース(United Kingdom General Practice Research Database)に基づいて行った。

結果:インフルエンザワクチン接種を受けた人で、心筋梗塞をはじめて起した患者計 20,486 例と脳卒中をはじめて起した患者計 19,063 例を解析に組み入れた。インフルエンザ、破傷風、肺炎球菌のワクチン接種後に、心筋梗塞や脳卒中のリスクは上昇しなかった。しかし、両イベントのリスクは、全身症状を伴う気道感染の診断後大きく上昇し、最初の 3 日間がもっとも高かった(心筋梗塞の発生率比 4.95,95%信頼区間 4.43~5.53;脳卒中の発生率比 3.19,95%信頼区間 2.81~3.62)。リスクは、その後数週間で徐々に下降した。尿路感染症の診断後にもリスクは有意に上昇したが、程度はより小さかった。心筋梗塞と脳卒中の再発に関する知見は、初回イベントに関する知見と類似していた。


